Cooking with Candace – Lubbock Dream Center
I’ve been so excited to write this post to tell all of my invisible internet friends about some fun things I’ve been doing lately. I know I’ve mentioned the cooking class I’ve been teaching a couple of times in the past few weeks, but I wanted to get a few weeks under my belt before I told you all about it. And of course, to get a few fun pictures for you! A huge thanks to one of my closest friends and fellow coaches’ wives, Stephanie, for being the photographer for this post!
First, let me tell you a little bit about the Dream Center…
The Lubbock Dream Center began as a vision that God gave Pastor Jackie White, Senior Pastor of Church on the Rock…
In 2006, Pastor Jackie began to see how God had called his congregation to reach out into a part of the community that it had previously had very little impact on. He began to look at a square mile within our city that was in desperate need of spiritual, physical, and emotional growth. Today, the land and building that are in place, the ministry and outreach that is taking place, and the multitude of lives that have already been touched are a by-product of Pastor Jackie and Church on the Rock’s willingness to step in and remain a part of this neighborhood. The vision and ministry outlined below has grown from that point, and we believe will continue to grow and evolve in order to best see this neighborhood radically changed.
The Lubbock Dream Center’s vision is to be a place of ministry to the people of this community…
Our vision is to literally see social and spiritual transformation come to our city. We desire to see the hearts and minds of people transformed by the Word of God and by the love and acceptance of the body of Christ. That transformation will bring about life pattern changes, economic rise, and neighborhood improvements.
The Lubbock Dream Center Mission…
…take people from dependence to a place of responsibility
Our desire is to take people from dependence to a place of responsibility. The Lubbock Dream Center will begin by meeting the people’s basic needs and building relationships with them. This will open the door for spiritual needs to be met, which will in turn bring social transformation.
The Current Situation…
The Lubbock Dream Center is currently working to accomplish its vision and mission through the following ministries and outreaches:
- Food Ministry
- Clothing Ministry
- Adopt A Block Ministry
- Life Skills Training
- Adult Literacy Education
- Computer Education
- Special Neighborhood Outreaches
- Faith Based Twelve Step Programs
- Sunday Morning Services
- Agape to local schools and other agencies
- Women’s Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Partnership with Churches and Schools
It was really just luck and coincidence that brought me to the Dream Center, and I couldn’t be any more grateful that God put me in this place with so many amazing people. I have been having so much fun with the amazing women that have participated in the cooking class, which just happens to be named “Cooking with Candace.” (not my idea, ha!)
The purpose behind the class is to show these women how to incorporate the food that they receive each week from the food pantry into their everyday meals. My main goal is to show them that eating a healthier diet doesn’t have do be difficult or expensive. We have made several different dishes that include lots of food from the pantry, as well as a couple of fresh produce ingredients. We have made a pasta dish with a spinach and tomato sauce, avocado tuna salad, and a vegetable-packed tomato soup. All of them have been a hit, mission accomplished!
If you have the chance to partner with your local outreach center, you won’t regret it. It may sound corny or cliché, but I really feel like I am getting more out of this experience than I could ever give to these women.