10 Healthy Habits for Every New Mom
When you become a mom, it is way too easy to just focus on your baby and let pretty much everything else go right on to the back burner. I have experienced this several times since having Sloane, and I am constantly reminding myself that I need to take care of myself so that I can BETTER take care of her. There are so many simple things that we can do to take care of our mind and body, and it shouldn’t be complicated.

Here are a few things that I think every new mom can benefit from…
1. Drink more water!
The easiest thing we can do, yet also the hardest! I swear I go hours and hours forgetting to drink water, and then all of a sudden realize that I feel dehydrated. I keep a reusable water bottle with me at all times, and it helps SO much to remind me to drink up! This is especially important if you are breastfeeding, it helps so much with milk supply.

2. Fuel your body
We have to eat the nutrients that our body needs in order to have the energy to chase our babies around all day. I love to load up on produce at the farmer’s market on the weekends to set myself up for easier meals during the week.

3. Get Outside
Getting fresh air and sunshine does wonders for my mood and sanity. Sloane and I go for walks around the neighborhood most days. It is nice for both of us to get outside, soak up some vitamin D, and get a little change of scenery that looks differently than baby toys.

4. Move your body for at least 10 minutes every day
While we’re on the subject of getting outside, this can be your form of movement every day. All it takes is 10 minutes to get the blood flowing and lift your mood. If I’m not going on a walk outside, then I’ll at least get a stretch in every day. On days that I have a little more time, I will pop in a workout DVD, or even find a yoga workout on YouTube and do it while Sloane plays on the floor next to me. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just move your body in whatever day makes you feel good.
Having comfortable and stylish workout clothes always motivates me a little more to actually want to workout. I have been loving Vie Active lately. These pink leggings are suuuuper smooth and soft, and have just enough compression to hold everything in in the right places. And this tank top is one of my favorites because it can be worn long, but also looks super cute tied up. You can use code ‘candace20’ to get 20% off workout apparel on their website!
It is starting to get extremely hot here in Arizona, so I need something that is sweat-wicking and anti-microbial so that I can stay dry and smelling fresh 😉
Vie Active is a company that I think we can all get behind because they are so dedicated to empowering women with stylish, performance-driven activewear.

5. Get some ‘me time’
It is SO important to take a few moments for yourself every day. Whether that is a 10 minute shower after the baby goes to bed, or waking up 30 minutes before the baby to enjoy your morning cup of coffee in peace. You can recharge in these small moments.
6. Put your phone down
I am guilty of picking up my phone to check my email or scroll Instagram WAY too many times per day. I am really making an effort to put my phone away while Sloane is awake during the day to focus my attention on her and not be distracted. It is doing wonders for my mind, and makes me feel like I’m being more present.
7. Talk to Someone
We all have moments where we feel overwhelmed, and those are the moments where we NEED to talk to someone that we trust. Whether it be your husband, your mom, your best friend, or a therapist. Don’t hold your feelings in, it will weigh on you and affect you and your baby.
8. Ask for help
And while we’re on the subject of talking to someone you trust, ask them for help! I have a hard time with this sometimes because I want to just handle everything, and I let my pride get in the way because I want to just be ‘strong enough’ to do it all myself. But we don’t have to do it ALL, all by ourselves. People want to help, so let them.

9. Give yourself a break
Women, in general, are way too hard on themselves. And when you become a mom, that goes to a whole new level. I have had several meltdowns since Sloane was born because I felt like I was failing at something. Whether Sloane wasn’t napping well, or I was experiencing mom guilt, or the million other times when I have been too hard on myself for no reason at all. I am finally starting to learn that there is no perfect mom, we are all doing the very best we can and loving our babies in the best way that we know how. So keep going, mama. You are doing great!

10. Savor your baby
I think the best thing every mom can do is just savor the time that we DO have when our babies are little. They grow up so fast, and I know that we are going to miss the sleepless nights and wet kisses in a few years. Just slow down, and enjoy these precious moments.
This post was in collaboration with Vie Active. They generously sent me their product, and all opinions are my own.
Don’t forget to use code ‘candace20’ to get 20% off workout clothes!